NanoWriMo Full Commitment / Full Support

Weekly Private coaching for the month of November


  • Saturday NaNoWriMo prompt-and-writing session

  • Thursday evening freewrites

  • Weekly progress-responsive prompts by e-mail

Improbably prolific writer and one of Hollywood’s most sought after writing coaches (and script doctors), Dylan Brody creates a safe and supportive environment in which the craft of writing as a skills set and the art of writing as a form of self expression inform one another. Exercises, drills and prompts provide plenty of pen-to-paper or fingers-to-keyboard writing spans to allow the immediate application of new technique and new discoveries for integration into the toolkit.

This two pronged approach to learning, adapted from his work as a martial arts master, holds the same promise for writers that it did for his students at the Taekwondo studio: The ability to deliver maximum impact with minimum apparent effort.

You will discover a capacity for focus that you did not know you had. You will open floodgates of creative possibility AND you will learn to channel that flow to the page.

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NanoWriMo Weekly Writing Group
Sale Price:$128.00 Original Price:$249.00

Weekly meetings will provide support, community and accountability to keep you going through the month of November. No commitment to any ongoing workshops, just a month of get-to-business, pen-to-paper writing to help you move toward the completion of that long-imagined novel.

Saturday Afternoons. 1-3 pacific / 4-6 Eastern

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NanoWriMo Success Prep For Success Kit

Mr Brody doesn’t let us do anything unless there’s at least some option for people who want to get started but don’t want to pay anything. He created this prep kit to fulfill that purpose. We wanted to charge $37 bucks for it; he said no. It’s free. It will always be free, it seems.

Send me a free thing!