FREE SNEAK PREVIEW -- Session one of the six-session program! -- Click here to sign up for the full program! -- Enjoy the freebie! -- WRITE ON, friend, WRITE ON! --
FREE SNEAK PREVIEW -- Session one of the six-session program! -- Click here to sign up for the full program! -- Enjoy the freebie! -- WRITE ON, friend, WRITE ON! --
This first session of the BASIC GRAMMAR for Serious Writers course is yours to play through1 If you see, in watching the video, reading the material, doing the exercise that our approach to grammar for grown-ups works well for you, grab the full program and check in at Active Voice Productions and see if you might find more support and speed your development with our workshops, coaching and ghostwriting options.
It’s time to get our grammar on
Picking up skills we feel we should already have in our toolkit can feel a little embarrassing. Serious writers don’t necessarily want to admit in a room with other writers that they don’t know the difference between the Active Voice and the Passive Voice, the Parts of Speech, basic sentence structure, proper use of tense or the effect created by writing in the First, Second or Third Person.
These six fast-paced, engaging, sessions catch you up so that you will be able to use,to discuss, and to think about your sentences — the building blocks of all writing — with clarity and confidence.
“Whenever we feel reluctance to learn, we protect our own ignorance. We all do it. Until we notice that we do it. Then we stop, remember how much we love what we do, how much we love learning, and how genuinely easy it can be with the right instructor.”
If being asked, “What is the subject of your sentence?” in a roomful of people makes you tremble and sweat, it’s because of a tiny gap in your specific knowledge of the craft you pursue. Those tiny gaps, ignored, can add up to terrible imposter syndrome.
We know our writing is good. People respond well to it. Sometimes it sells. Still, we must perpetually improve in our own work, sharpening, honing, refining our skills and shoring up the fundamentals where we find weakness.
We will refresh your knowledge of some basic grammar elements and how they function within sentences. We promise to keep things fast and light.
Occasionally, your guide may take you into into some of the esoterica of the writer’s mindset as he perceives it through his own spiritual, martial-arts, literary and educational practices. He works as a professional story-teller and his tales rarely come as arbitrary choices. Enjoy them.
Because you are here, we assume you to be a serious writer. Nonetheless, we genuinely hope that as you move through this program you have a great deal of fun.
Mr. Brody welcomes you to the program and lays out the reasons he feels understanding the basics of your craft matter to the work you wish to take seriously.