NanoWriMo Full Commitment / Full Support


NanoWriMo Full Commitment / Full Support


Weekly Private coaching for the month of November


  • Saturday NaNoWriMo prompt-and-writing session

  • Thursday evening freewrites

  • Weekly progress-responsive prompts by e-mail

Improbably prolific writer and one of Hollywood’s most sought after writing coaches (and script doctors), Dylan Brody creates a safe and supportive environment in which the craft of writing as a skills set and the art of writing as a form of self expression inform one another. Exercises, drills and prompts provide plenty of pen-to-paper or fingers-to-keyboard writing spans to allow the immediate application of new technique and new discoveries for integration into the toolkit.

This two pronged approach to learning, adapted from his work as a martial arts master, holds the same promise for writers that it did for his students at the Taekwondo studio: The ability to deliver maximum impact with minimum apparent effort.

You will discover a capacity for focus that you did not know you had. You will open floodgates of creative possibility AND you will learn to channel that flow to the page.

I'm IN!