

As Mr. Brody generates new worksheets, informational packets and other resources for his clients and his weekly workshop, we will turn them into PDFs and upload them here. Check back from time to time. There should be something new every week or two and eventually it is likely that the entire library will come to be contained in a single volume for sale.


    • The ACTIVE VOICE Worksheet. Why Mr. Brody perpetually harps on the importance of the active voice and how this simple adjustment to your sentence structure instantly improves all your writing. CLICK HERE

    • The SIMILES AND METAPHORS Worksheet. How similes and metaphors function and some drills to get the creative gears turning. CLICK HERE

    • PLAYING WITH TIME Worksheet. A couple of exercises for playing with time as a dimension of your script or story. CLICK HERE

    • The CELTIC KNOT WORKSHEET This grew out of an exercise invented while working as Artist in Residence at Northfield Mount Hermon School in the late ‘90s. CLICK HERE

    • POETIC FORMS Formal poetry gives the writer an added level of challenge in expressing an idea while also meeting the very specific demands of a specific scan and rhyme scheme. Play with poetic forms. Flex your wordsmithery in new and challenging ways. CLICK HERE

    • The HOLIDAY MEMORIES WORKSHEET The Holidays stir up memories, some real and some manufactured as part of a familial story rife with fiction. It’s time to peel back a layer or two to find truths. CLICK HERE

  • The FORMATTING FOR WRITERS pages. How to format a manuscript for submission, a screenplay and a little bit on the formatting of television scripts. CLICK HERE

  • TWENTY-ONE DAYS TO A JOURNALING PRACTICE — sort of a very small e-Book. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Plus, it works! CLICK HERE


  • WRITERS WORKSHOP block purchases

  • To purchase Final Draft CLICK HERE