The First Spell of Time - step three

Now you can begin to do some simple math to plan the process of completing your first draft.

Fiction for adults generally runs 70,000 to 130,000 words.

Young Adult Fiction / Self Help tend to be 50,000 to 70,000 words


As you write, it’s likely that your speed will vary, the numbers above will not be perfect. BUT, knowing approximately how fast you write at flow, having a sense of how that fits into a larger goal, allows your mind to start working out the mathematics on its own. A task whose end cannot be estimated can seem unattainable. Knowing your current writing rate, having the tools to estimate how long the project will take, knowing your capacity and willingness to commit, a blind spot sublimates to nothing, an obstacle dissolves without conflict.

Click the button again to change your hourly commitment. Begin to realize just how much control you have over the time it takes you to get to that first draft and the beginning of the that first, glorious, rewrite.

We hope this helps you get started.

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