Write Your Script! -- 10 week screenwriting series for serious writers at all stages of their careers

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Write Your Script! -- 10 week screenwriting series for serious writers at all stages of their careers


This ten-week series covers:

The basics of formatting — HOW TO make your script LOOK professional so that people will take it seriously from page one.
An overview of story-structure — HOW TO TELL A SATISFYING TALE that runs the length of a movie
The Cinematic Style — HOW SCREEN WRITING DIFFERS FROM and is EXACTLY THE SAME AS any other story-telling form
How Conflict Grows — Overcoming a lifetime of training not to make a scene
The Paddy Chayevsky Laundry List — a living list of story points to let you write with confidence

PLUS — prompts, drills, block-dissolving, anxiety-reducing breathing exercises, a ten-week audit of our long-running Weekly Writers’ Workshop (Saturdays at 10am Pacific) a supportive, non-judgmental community and TWO one-hour private coaching sessions with Mr. Brody (all told an additional $1800 value if purchased at a la carte pricing)

Grab your seat fast! (Click here) This WILL sell out.