


Sale Price:$1,000.00 Original Price:$5,000.00

Ordinarily a single month of weekly coaching with Mr. Brody costs $5000. We are all aware that this is an absurd rate. Mr. Brody does this because he does not believe that most writers can complete an intended project in that amount of time. Price breaks come at three month commitments ($3500/month) six-month ($3000/month), and annual commitments ($2500/month).

Sometimes, if he loves an idea and he does believe the writer can genuinely benefit from a single month of coaching and either complete the project in that time or gather the tools needed to proceed on his or her own, Dylan has reduced the monthly price to make himself more affordable on a case-by-case basis. He has begun developing DIY programs, bi-monthly programs, the Weekly Writers’ workshops, free writing sessions on Wednesday evenings and the many free exercises slowly populating the library at the JUST WRITE Institute

I'm IN for NaNoWriMo

In support of #NaNoWriMo, Mr. Brody says, “Our culture spends a lot of time convincing people to consume entertainment. I find people much more interesting when instead, they create art. National Novel Writing Month might be my favorite holiday ever. Let’s do $1000 full-on weekly coaching for the month.” So that’s what we did.

Every year, Mr. Brody’s calendar is full for the month of November and a lot of people get a lot of writing done. Be one of them.