


The possibilities for future episodes are infinite.  We are bound only by the rules governing the worlds we create.

Over the course of the first set of episodes, these rules are established and explored.  While the general sense of our first season is of stand-alone episodes, underneath it all is an ongoing increase in magical phenomena in Boston, hints at something terrible to come, all leading up to an explosive two part finale in which the very fabric of the world must be protected from supernatural destruction.

(For the sake of expediency, I’ve mapped out the first set of sample episodes as if we are to do a short-run initial order.  Naturally, I would be happy to write up a full thirteen or twenty-two episode season arc once that’s needed)


Phelps, seeking to discredit Barrion, hires private detective CARSON WAGNER.  A Martial Artist with an adaptable nature, the clever detective manages to figure his way through a number of magical security devices before being caught out, trespassing in Barrion's home.  Already, he knows too much.  Although Gaine advises that he be put to death or, at the very least deposited in a distant realm from which he'll never return, Barrion finds another option.  Offering better pay than Phelps can hope to match, he buys the detective's silence and loyalty with a continuing job as his own security consultant.  CARSON becomes a recurring regular, assisting in all matters concerning cold steel and hot lead.  The episode also introduces his son, Demetrius, who takes an instant liking to Sandy and really, who can blame him?  She’s pretty damn awesome.


Sandy creates a faulty spell which, if not diffused properly, could cause widespread destruction.  Sandy, however, is not available to assist Barrion in the task.  Adding to the mystery is the absence of Gaine.  Has he kidnapped the girl? Are they both in trouble?  With Winslow's invaluable assistance and Marjory's undying faith in the demon's good nature to guide him, Barrion solves the puzzle and dissolves the spell.


A lover's quarrel brings out Gaine's dark side.  A neurotic demon at best, it comes to everyone's attention that Gaine has trouble expressing his anger.  "Demonrage is natural and enormous," Barrion explains.  "Demonrage repressed...?  That can be downright dangerous."  Through patient demon therapy and loving taunts, Barrion, Sandy and Winslow strive to teach Gaine to bellow and blow smoke.  At last, though, it is the danger of losing Marjory, the mortal woman he has come to love, that allows Gaine to find his natural, explosive temper and the unexpected wisdom of young Demetrius that guides him toward the control that can only come with self-acceptance.

EPISODES #5 & #6

In an opening flashback, Sandy (at age nine) walks Venice Beach with her parents.  An OLD WOMAN presses a crystal pendant into her hand telling her she will need it.  Her parents bring her back to the Old Woman to return the gift. The Old Woman is most insistent.  The girl will need the thing.  She must keep it.  She must never give it away.

IN THE PRESENT:  Prosper arrives quite abruptly in need of medical attention.  Sandy gets her first lesson in Mystic Healing.  Barrion and Winslow get a decent dose of family dynamic. 

 The evening news is filled with reports of the paranormal.

 On the road to recovery, Prosper announces a threat to the fabric of the veils.  He must return to the scene and seek again to repair the widening rift.  Without the Lens of Garr, however, he knows there is little he can do.  Barrion urges him instead to initiate a quest for the Lens.  "No," Prosper insists.  "If the Lens is to fuse the gap, the Lens will come to the gap.  In case it is not so, I must strive to find another way..." He vanishes again.

A DRAGON is reported in New York's Central Park.  Storms rage nationwide.  Lightning takes strange shapes.

Shortly after his departure, Sandy recognizes a sketch of the Lens.  It is that same crystal given to her in childhood. Barrion wishes to take it to his father himself, but Sandy insists on coming along.  She promised never to give the thing away to anyone.  Her presence requires Gaine's and, worried about her demon lover, Marjory joins the party.  Rather than be left out, Winslow also chooses to accompany them.

Together they travel beyond the first veil through strange worlds racked with storm, quake and disruption.  Reaching Prosper's Gap, they help the old sorcerer build a holding spell and Sandy fuses the rift shut with the Lens.

The return trip reveals worlds far more welcoming and stable.

Back in Boston the storms have settled.  The super-natural phenomena have been explained away as mass hysteria and motion picture publicity.

Our heroes return, unrecognized for their efforts, to the world they've saved.





Demon Law becomes the focus of the season, with Gaine’s indictment in the Demon Realm playing the catalyst.  Demons of various stripes attack our team, sometimes seeking to capture Gaine and then, finding this a more difficult task than anticipated, gathering intel.  When they steal the demon’s beloved dog, Gaine is drawn into a trap.  Marjory’s willingness to sacrifice herself for the demon brings Sandy and the rest of the team to her aid.  When she comes close to succeeding in this act of sacrifice, Gaine’s willingness to sacrifice himself to save her proves him a far more nuanced demon than anyone would ever have guessed.  At the end of this season it is the power of love that prevails, allowing our heroic party to escape, demon, dog and all, leaving the Demon Realm itself in a state of chaos and disrepair.



Paranoid and ancient PROSPER, Barrion’s father, returns to the mortal realm to stay with Barrion in his Boston home.  This is complicated by a number of factors.  Firstly, he does not reveal at the start that this is because a number of powerful elemental entities from beyond the third veil are hunting him with a cruel vengeance. Secondly, he does not trust Marjory or Winslow at all and does everything he can to drive wedges between the supernatural and the mortal members of the team.  Thirdly, for reasons he does not fully reveal until the trouble on his tail comes to light, he has swapped bodies and has the appearance of an eleven year-old girl.  This season, while taking the goofiness to new heights, also delves more deeply into the wholly human family dynamic as the son becomes the caretaker, the father becomes the child, the team a tightly-knit and high-strung family unit.  By the end of the season, old debts are repaid, ancient fences are mended and the little girl who is Barrion’s father, almost a millennium old, walks off alone to pass through the first veil once again on an adventure of her own.



PRIVATE DETECTIVE CARSON WOODROW takes on a case that leads back to the team.  The woman who has hired him is TAMARA, Marjory’s Sister, Sandy’s Aunt.  It turns out the talent runs in the family and Tamara wishes to take over Sandy’s training.  The season’s episodes deal primarily with a bizarre crime wave in Boston that smacks of supernatural manipulations.  As the season develops and the team comes to realize that Tamara heads the organization that has been at work in the shadows of Boston, loyalties are tested and old, familial wounds reopened.  Meantime, fear of the esoteric and the arcane slips into the zeitgeist creating a sense of danger for Barrion and the team wherever they go and giving Phelps both the impetus and the leverage he needs to push his anti-Barrion agenda forward at the University.  It’s not easy being the focus of xenophobia . . .  especially when those of one’s own ilk are misbehaving.  This season it’s all about stopping crime, protecting his job and keeping the entire team from being burned alive by angry mobs of self-righteous zealots.



In a world gone mad, one tends to seek reason . . . or at least a reason.  Barrion believes he’s found it.  Earth was set upon a path of unending warriorism centuries ago when, with the very best of intentions, the last great Taliesin, Merlin forged the most powerful magics at his disposal into a single symbolic talisman, a weapon.  With so much of Earth’s magic tied to a violent metaphor, mankind has had no chance to veer from the path of warriorism.  This season follows the quest for Excalibur and conflict with Knights Templar, sworn to the sword’s protection, descendants of Morgan LeFay, Merlin’s nemesis and by the end of the season, Merlin himself who can be freed of his crystal prison far more easily than he can of his guilt-ravaged psyche.  Early in the season, Arthur’s scabbard is discovered, its magic making the bearer invulnerable to attack and this gets passed from one team-member to another as needed over the episodes proceed.  The sword itself, though, does not come into the hands of our heroes until the end of the season and when it does, its deadly influence will prove more difficult to undo than even Barrion could have imagined.